You will learn how to transmit a message what someone said, thought or felt in simple. Simple past present continuous im working at the moment. If there are any pronouns present, you may have to change them. Backshift of tenses in reported speech online exercise. Reported speech is also known as indirect speech and is used to tell somebody else what another person said. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech.
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use. He teaches spoken english, written english, grammar and vocabulary at englishtan. Which is the correct ending of the sentence in reported speech. When there is a modal verb in the original statement, suggestion, etc. We learned how to convey a message of present tenses to someone. In other words, the present simple becomes the past simple. Direct and indirect speech exercise english grammar.
Grammar explanations reported speech, indirect speech. Direct and indirect exercises with answers quoted and. She said, i play cricket at home she said that she played cricket at home. Direct and indirect practice present tense exercise with solved answers and available for free download pdf. Reported speech indirekte rede quoted speech direct speech reported speech indirect speech quoting wordforword what someone has stated or asked is called quoted speech also direct speech. Reported speech and present simple a free english exercise to learn english. Reported speech simple statements exercise englisch. He says, i work for my company he said that he worked for my company.
In the article below we are going to elaborate direct and indirect of simple past tense. Present simple passive present simple spelling rules. Grammar worksheet reported speech from present simple questions. Reported speech exercise pdf download sequence of tenses. An easy way to teach the students the main verb changes in reported speech. This reported speech exercise looks at statements using the present simple tense. We often convey a message or give information about what someone said, thought or felt to somebody else. Backshift of tenses in indirect reported speech in english, simple present, simple past free online exercise. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary show example.
She said, i am reading english grammar book she said that i. The past perfect tense does not change in the reported speech. He said, i have worked very hard he said that i have worked very hard. Reported speech exercise 12 perfect english grammar. Present continuous present perfect continuous present perfect simple present perfect. Reported speech in present simple tense is shown in the following sentence. If there is no question word we start the reported speech with if or whether.
When you quote what someone else has said direct speech its very simple. A collection of english esl reported speech indirect speech worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and english classes to teach a. Reported speech indirect speech in english summary. Structure formal aspects we can find different ways of expressing the direct speech. Direct indirect speech all our lessons and exercises. Nov 22, 2018 modal verbs in reported speech exercises modals exercises pdf. Reported speech or indirect speech free english grammar lesson. Scroll down to learn about direct and indirect speech of simple present. Verb tenses direct speech reported speech pronounsverb tenses simple present do you i am a carpenter. She said, there is a big pool with lots of alligators. Tense direct speech reported speech present simple i like ice cream. I hope the direct and indirect exercises was helpful to you and if you would like to know more about direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech, check out more in the given links below. Direct and indirect speech exercise present perfect continuous tense solved with answers pdf.
English tenses exercises simple present tense simple past tense present perfect past perfect future 1 future perfect goingtofuture active and passive voice if clauses conditionals reported speech online exercises with questions and reported speech positive and negative sentences. Reported speech indirect speech he says, we were in london for the first time. Music library categoryartist midi lyrics guitar tablature discussion forums web directory. Grammar worksheet reported speech 1 present simple direct reported sam said, i feel hungry.
Grammar quiz all things grammar grammar focus reported speech present simple level intermediate answer key my notes 1. Direct speech reported speech present simple past simple i like peaches. However, if the verb in the reported speech is stating a universal truth, a habit, a constant situation, the tense of that verb does not change. In reported speech, however, we tell what someone said without repeating his exact words. Lots of reported speech exercises practise using free interactive quizzes. Direct and indirect speech of simple present tense we often convey a message or give information about what someone said, thought or felt to somebody else. Click here to read the explanations about reported speech reported statements. Use reported speech to complete the sentences below. Benjamin says that he often has a big hamburger he often had a big hamburger. Here the ss can practise how to make indirect questions in the present. The present simple is one of the most frequently used tenses in english. Direct speech he says that they are in london for the first time. Reported speech from present simple statements write the sentences using reported speech with answer key and grammar note on page 2 intermediate level approximately 10 15 minutes. Microsoft word reported statements present continuous.
Reported speech learnenglish teens british council. The tense of the verb in the reported speech is in the past tense. Reported speech exercises introductions simple present. Tense, direct and reported speech english study here. Sign up for our mailing list to get more free stories and exercises in english. Reported speech exercise present perfect continuous tense. Reported statements in english are one form of reported speech. Reported speech worksheets, pdf exercises, handouts to print. Using reported speech in english can sometimes be difficult for nonnative speakers as we usually change the verbs, pronouns and specific times. Modal verbs in reported speech exercises modals exercises pdf.
English esl reported speech indirect speech worksheets. Present simple reported statement exercise quite easy in pdf here. Choose from the drop down menu and mind the tenses of the. The reported speech in english helps us to transmit ideas, conversations, information obtained from texts or any other mean of communication. As you can see, both the past tense and the present perfect change into the past perfect. Reported speech exercise with present tense, past test, future tense, and all tenses for class 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 reported speech exercise present tense reported speech exercises past tense related posts. A simple worksheet with four tasks on reported speech. As you watch the video, look at the examples of reported speech. Intermediate level upper intermediate advanced level home. Interrogative clauses difficulties in reported speech direct and indirect interrogative forms. Direct indirect of simple present tense direct indirect.
The simple past tense usually changes to the past perfect in reported speech change of tenses. Exampledirect speechshe said i live in delhiindirect speechshe said that she lived in delhinote. Improve your understanding of reported speech here. Some and any quoted speech reflexive pronouns relative clauses reported speech second conditional should should have stative verbs subject and object pronouns suffix. English esl reported speech worksheets most downloaded. We talked about direct and indirect speech of present tenses. Reported speech also called indirect speech means to say what someone else said. She said, i loved my sons more than all she said that i loved my sons more. Present simple reported statement exercise perfect english. In the exercise below you will practice the changes you must do while reporting sentences. Remember that the tense of the original statement moves one step back in reported speech. Direct and indirect speech exercises with all forms and all types of sentences, study online or download in.
Normally, the tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the tense in direct speech. It consists of seventeen statements to rewrite in the reported speech. Here are 10 exercises to help you practice and learn about reported speech using mixed english tenses. Direct speech indirect speech present simple past simple present continuous past continuous present perfect continuous past perfect continuous. Sep 21, 2017 watch this video and learn how to use the reported to change statements from simple present into simple past. In direct speech, we use livein indirect speech, we use livedquestionshe said i like ice creamahe said that he liked ice creamexp.
For exercises, you can reveal the answers first submit worksheet and print the page to have the exercise and the answers. Reported speech exercise future tense pdf download. Present simple use reported speech to complete the sentences below. Finally, do the grammar exercises to check you understand, and can use, reported speech correctly. Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said.
The tenses, wordorder, pronouns may be different from those in the direct speech sentence. Online and printable reported speech mixed exercise convert sentences from direct speech to indirect speech. Keep working and youll understand and be able to use the form soon. Reported speech 10 examples reported speech exercise present tense 100 examples of direct and indirect speech reported speech exercise present tense reported speech exercise with present.
Tenses in reported speech tenses in reported speech are more past because were not talking at the same time as the speake r was. May 29, 2018 if direct is simple presentin indirect, it becomes simple past. The direct question is in the present simple tense. Present simple reported statement exercise quite easy in pdf here present. Online english grammar quiz verb tenses reported speech. Reported speech exercise future simple tense pdf download. Reported speech exercises for intermediate and advanced level l. English esl reported speech indirect speech worksheets most downloaded 406 results. Reported speech exercises reported speech exercise with present tense direct and indirect practice present tense exercise with solved answers and available for free download pdf. Read morereported speech exercise present perfect continuous tense. Choose from the drop down menu and mind the tenses of the reporting verbs. Direct and indirect speech of simple present tense. Reported speech exercises with all types of sentences pdf download.
A collection of english esl worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and english classes to teach about reported, speech, reported sp. Reported speech worksheets pdf with answers english grammar. Draw a line to match the direct and indirect reported speech forms. Backshift of tenses verb tenses direct speech reported speech pronounsverb tenses simple present do you i am a carpenter. Here are 10 exercises to help you learn and understand reported speech statements in english. Direct and indirect speech of simple present tense indirect. Change these direct questions into reported speech. Direct indirect of simple present tense direct indirect speech. Direct and indirect of simple past tense past indefinite. Tense changes when using reported speech english grammar.
English esl reported speech worksheets most downloaded 368. Heres a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site. Here you will find many reported speech exercises at all levels so you can practice and improve your knowledge of reported speech in english. Microsoft word reported speech statements present simple. Reported speech exercises with present, past, future tenses.
Simple present tense usually changes to the simple past in reported speech. In quoted speech, what a person utters has to appear within quotation marks. Ca maninder singh is a chartered accountant for the past 9 years and a teacher from the past 16 years. Reported speech exercises, pdf with answers and rules. Directindirect speech all our lessons and exercises.